Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Three F's

Fleece, Felt, and Foam. Perfect for kawaii crafts!!! ^o^

Today I'm going to WalMart and Michael's Crafts Store. When I arrive, I plan on going crazy with excitement & ecstasy... Honestly.

But here's what I'll make with the Three F's... Or the F Trinity, as I like to call it.. ha.

Lots and lots of cute little cosplay hats! Possibly become entrepeneur? >.<;;

Cute little dolls, handpuppets... Modeled after foodz... Yummeh! Nom Nom Nom...! *chews*

MY COSPLAY EARS! They'll be juuust like Chi's! Ya know, from the Chobits series???

♥ ♥

I shall provide you with pictures of total kawaiiness later. I mean, when I get my supplies and make all this stuffz! ♥

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